Summerstar was a private retreat held on private property near Olympia WA. For 30 years we met 26 times over 4 beautiful days, at first at a state park along the Columbia Gorge and our last 5 years saw our home on private property near Olympia. We celebrated all things Gaia, divine, with rituals, workshops and games. As the seasons turn, our transitions are in the air, so it’s with a panda bear hug and a squeeze that we wish you a fond and loving farewell as we turn within and allow other journeys and inspirations to guide us. I’m sure there will be a Summerstar Reunion at some point and when the time comes, we’ll get the word out!
If you’re just cruising the internet today and have stumbled upon this website, know that we are a loving, open and respectful community. We are also a private and considerate community and we understand that our path is not for everyone, but for those of you who are sincere and have a genuine appreciation for humanity and our Planet Earth… well then, come on in… The Waters are fine, calm and rejuvenating.
Our History
Summerstar was a private spiritual and family retreat of all ages. Our first gathering was held in June 1993 along the Columbia River in southern WA. The inspiration to do this thing came directly from Starwood, an annual pagan festival still thriving in Ohio! Starwood’s eclectic energy and experimental rituals were the seed of influence in our early rituals. At the time, we were involved with the community of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship founded by Isaac Bonewits, who was without a doubt a powerful influence. Isaac’s question, Why Not Excellence? was and continues to be a founding principle that guides us yearly.
Summerstar is not a church, nor do we have any followers, or any specific spiritual leaning. Rather, we are a collection of individuals, tribe and close friends who get to visit each other in sacred space. Our practices and specific way of offering praise and thanks differ, but we all agree that it is our love of our Earth Mother and the opportunity to serve Our Gods and each other in humility that bring us together.
We are a Cadre of Seven, 7 dear friends who are devoted to Summerstar and work tirelessly in the few months leading to the retreat to get things ready for You! All of us respect each person’s unique approach to Spirit and understands that everyone’s path is actualized differently. To help realize this, we facilitate the venue for you to be in sacred space so that you can find your own connection to Divinity, the God of your Heart, or however that manifests.
…. She changes everything she touches and everything She touches changes…
Read on for more information about what shaped our annual gatherings…Our last gathering was held in summer of 2022.
The Magick
We invite you to share in the magick by participating as an individual. There are no requirements, you will decide how deeply you’ll participate based on your own spiritual calling and magickal path. No one will mind if you just happen to hang out near your tent and just eat, sleep and relax.
For many of us, we return each year so that we can explore the nurturing and healing of our individual selves and the human tribe as a whole. You will find rituals led by folks who have a more traditional approach to Spirituality and others who are more eclectic, or experimental in their approach. It may be that you find yourself attending a working that may be that catalyst that inspires you to something truly wondrous, or simply opens the window on a different perspective. Summerstar has become a place to continue your journey as you create change in conformity with your Will.
While at Summerstar
There are lectures, discussions, workshops, games such as giant chess and checkers, we can set up a Quidditch pitch, there are musical guests and plenty of time to relax and rest.
If you want to offer a workshop, or facilitate a discussion, email us with your topic and a short description. Depending on the number of workshops and discussions, events may overlap, yet people are drawn to what they need most and you’ll find you won’t miss out on what you need. The final schedule of events is posted on site, but a preliminary schedule will be posted on line as things are scheduled.
About the Work & Will
Each ritual (or working) is a bringing together of our energies so that we can work together as a tribe to manifest change. The Magick begins when you agree to suspend your disbelief and begin an inner journey of transcending space and time. Rituals are led by those who are inspired and are influenced by the needs of the times, or perhaps sense direct inspiration by the Gods.
The word Will references a way of life, a philosophy and general mindset. When I use the word “Will”, I’m referencing the impetus of my being. It’s that very tangible aspect of our life that motivates what we do and why we do it. The Thelemites say Love is the Law, Love under Will… Dumbledore reminds us that Love above all else is the oldest magick, combine that with clear intention, or Will and change manifests.
Some Village Logistics
Summerstar is about growth, understanding and acceptance. It’s about moving beyond the boundaries imposed by yourself, others and our own inability to cope outside of our experiences. We embrace sincerity and genuine curiosity about what makes us, changes us and drives us as people. We encourage stepping up to the unknown and moving forward with the strength of our collective Wills to guide us. Finally, we hope that you will move and grow in accordance with your own Will.
Our last gathering was held on our dear friends property near Olympia WA summer of 2022.
Walk in Peace!
Find us on Facebook to connect with the Summerstar family and friends.