Weekend Highlights

R&R & Music & Talent

Fri Nite Talent Show! Show us what you GOT! Bring your fav 3-5 minute song, dance or poem!

Games at Summerstar

We love to play and get rambunctious!  We have the equipment for a Quidditch Pitch, Giant Chess, Giant Checkers and lots of fun field space for sky viewing.  It’s just waiting for YOU!  Fun for kids of all ages and abilities.  


Want to host a workshop, facilitate a discussion, offer a ritual (day hours)?

email Miria to get scheduled

Final schedule & times are posted onsite

Drum Workshop  (The boyz)

Tips, practice and just plain drumming! Plus, if you’ve been following the Chakra Rhythms posted in the PFA Gazette, we’ll be incorporating those rhythms into our Jam sessions!

Blessing Our Divine Self (pre-rit workshop)

Taking a cue from my favorite scene in What the Bleep? We’ll annoint ourselves with love, blessing and care. This will be a short guided workshop with a focus on YOU!

Flute Circle with Brownie

Bring your flute, pennywhistle, or even your hands (if you know how!)- we’ll spend some time creating some soulful flights of harmony!

Let’s make candles (use up that wax!)

Got left over candles, wax.. what-not… let’s repurpose them and make some new ones!


Got something to share, art to teach, ideas that need expressing!  Share it! Send your topic, brief description and we’ll get you scheduled. 

To schedule your workshop, send us your topic, bio, and preferred meeting time (suggested length is 1 hour) which will be listed in the info booklet if received by June 10th, all are posted on the website if notice received by July 10th for pre-scheduled workshops.

IMPROMPTU workshops are welcome, just sign up on site as well.

If your are offering a workshop/panel, we will leave it up to you to coordinate your space, and announcements.  At Summerstar, get with Minion Prime to get your workshop announced during breakfast